They are still working on the casa............Senor says, it won't be long.........but Linda Lou says, it won't be long until what..............stay tuned to find out what's next.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I had a Dream last Night...........
She is more of a senorita, maybe in her mid twenties and very, very sweet. I found out on about the 3rd day at DIF that her family lost their entire casa over in Las Delicias the night Norbert hit. Clothes, beds, all personal belongings of every family member, gone...........
She and her family spread out, staying with relatives and friends; it was neccesary for her to sleep on a small cot against a wall. One night she was bitten twice by a brown scorpion and she had to have shots and an IV at the hospital emergency room. The following morning she showed us the bites, not only were the bites big, so was her entire arm.
This whole time she was volunteering at DIF, she came every day for 14 days straight...... never complaining, never frowning, she always had a special smile and was very happy. I was always happy to see her there.
After leaving DIF, I have seen a few of the senoras and senoritas I worked with, they are always so friendly. I have great respect for them all, but I had not seen the lady who lost her home and several times she has been on my mind and I have wondered about her.
Then......i had a dream last night and in my dream, she was there, down at the alameda, walking around and shopping with two little boys. She came up to me and hugged me and we smiled and conversed for awhile. She speaks no english, but in my dream she did speak english and we talked about the weather and the mariners baseball team and Violetta, the peruvian spanish teacher Bill and I had back in Seattle. Then the dream ended.
This morning I woke around 5:30, Red was going ballistic over something in the field next door, and it was frio!!!! I put on my warm clothes and headed out to the soccer field track. While I was walking I thought about how funny it was, my dream last night, and I laughed a little to think about talking about the mariners and Violetta. I just funny is that.
It was still on the dark side and the street lights along the highway were on and there was a little fog. I could see ahead that someone was standing along the highway, in front of the Pemex station (this is a regular small bus pick-up spot and when I go to the track, I always see people there). I did not think too much about it and as I got closer and closer, the person stepped away from the bus stop and began to rush across the street towards me. Well at first, it alarmed me a little, and then, I could see it was her.......the senorita I am telling you about!
We hugged and we smiled and hugged some more. She spoke her spanish and I conversed in my poco y poco spanish. She was on her way to Navajoa to see a friend. We didn't talk about the Mariners or Violetta and she didn't have two little boys with her. Mostly we just hugged and smiled and hugged and smiled.
Isn't that amazing?
We waved goodbye and while I walked away I had shivers and goosebumps......all good ones. Still, it was just an amazing event, and I wonder how did it happen like that.........a dream and then, seeing her.
But, I can't wonder too much about it. It was just a cool happening. I am getting goosebumps again just writing about it!!
Now, we are waiting for Bill's clothes to dry. He did not get them out of the washer and onto the clothesline until around 7am and if you have read the 2 Senor Sabe le Todo posts from yesterday, you will know all about that. As soon as they are dry, we will hit the road for Tucson and then, fly out to meet up with our kids for a week. Adios! Que tengus buen dia!!! Linda Lou
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Senor Sabe le Todo Part Two
Senor Sabe le Todo has just taken apart the back and top panels of our washing machine because it filled with water but it would not run and wash..........he checked the hoses, he checked the fittings, he cleared all the lines inside the machine and checked all the parts where in english, our mexican washing machine not open this panel or you may have electricity shakal..........he checked the outside hoses and connectors..............after 2 hours of messing with it and now, it is dark .................he forgot to close the lid to the machine..........
Senor Sabe le Todo
take my word for it.......
Look at is a clever way Bill has of keeping the boards up against the cement to prevent it from falling out onto the floor..................
I am married to a very clever man. If he were not so smart and keen about all this construction stuff we could not be doing this. He was raised in a cement loving family, his father and grandfather built concrete dams and grain facilities and bridges and I think somehow, Bill just knows cement and construction.
In fact, Bill knows alot of stuff. I call him Senor Sabe le Todo, which translates to Mr. Knowitall.
We have been married for 32 years so I am allowed to call him that.......
I am not kidding either, look at this, Senor Sabe le Todo is building a kiva fireplace in our bedroom to be....with rocks we went and gathered from the arroyo and..........lots of cement.
Kiva fireplace photo #1 is below:
In kiva photo #2 below, you can see how the art, as I am now calling it, has progressed. This will indeed be very interesting.
I am not allowed to go the arroyo unless I can find the right rocks.
Trip #1, the rocks had to all be the same size.......about 8 " and as round as possible and flat on one side................
Trip#2, the rocks all had to be square on one end and flat on one side and no more that 2" thick................good grief.
Senor made me put all of my rocks on one side of the truck and he put his on the other. He never said this out loud, but why else would he tell me to keep my rocks seperate...........he was going to inspect my rocks and make sure they were the sizes and shapes they were supposed to be......
A local architect is supposed to come out today and let Senor know if this new type of roof will work on our casa. Half of our casa is perhaps 70 years old and the other half is 30 or so years old, we aren't really sure about that, but the older section is all adobe and has very, thick walls.
Tomorrow we go the states to visit our kids for Thanksgiving! Hasta la Vista!!!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Our New Best Friend
It took me awhile to actually wake up and go outside to investigate. By now the rooster was in the hilton garden room......he hopped up and down and on each landing, he crowed......back in the bedroom, the cats were sitting up, at full alert, jumping every time he crowed...... it was very dark and overcast outside and there was a light chipichipi (rain) falling....ashes began meowing and cookies began growling.......bill slept through the whole thing......i closed our bedroom screen door and went back to bed, with a pillow over my head.
By daylight, the chipichipi had stopped, but the rooster still could you sleep through all that racket last night, i asked bill...what racket, he said.....
Now, cookies began to investigate further, the rooster was in the yard, crowing and pecking, crowing and pecking......bill took a look and said.... good, we won't have to cook tonight...............but, cookies began to creep closer and closer to the rooster, and hunkered down his haunches.......i could see the rooster's legs were tied together and he wouldn't be able to fly away and cookies seemed to be ready for an attack.
Cookies wants to attack that rooster, i said to bill............who said, well, it does look like those are spurs on the backs of its legs, hmmm, maybe not a good i grabbed the cat and bill started chasing the rooster toward the back fence and gate.........they ran together in circles, around the yard, bill flapping and waving his arms, the rooster flapping and waving his wings........after i got the cat inside, i tried spraying the rooster with water from the garden hose, which had no affect at all.........finally bill opened the gate to the street and after making a few full circles around the yard, he chased the rooster out into the road and closed the gate...... we watched through the gate windows as he clucked angrily, and hopped on up the road, the twine holding his little legs close together.......
Now, for several nights, he has been two or three yards over to the south, he has a very loud and distinctive crow, ......but he has no sense of time, he crows night and day......he has no manners.......
We certainly don't want him to come back over here......and we do not want cookies to try and catch him, the rooster would probably kill the cat....not good.....he has to be someone's prize hen connection or maybe he is a cock fighter in training.....he is very healthy and very colorful..............
Red, as I now refer to him is crowing up a storm as i write..........
Yet his noise seems to blend in with all the others........the parrot in someone's casa behind us who sings 'Hey, Jude', and the crows in the chayate tree, cawing and fighting constantly over the fruit, and the brown throated magpie blue jays who land in the trees and sway their beautiful dark blue tails while they screech to their babies to hurry, and the doves who coo softly from the top of the stable and the noisy chit chit of the tiny yellow birds that jump up and down on the floating branches of the palm trees....
last night I smelled a skunk very, very close by......
I got up and looked out into the yard. Again, like the night I saw Red, it was very overcast and there was a little tiny chipichipi..............there was alot of rustling noise out there, maybe it was the leaves falling from the plumeria trees......maybe it was just the wind dancing through the branches of the limon tree......or maybe it was a little family of skunks running in circles around the yard...........
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What in the world has Bill been doing????
Outside.................Bill has been grilling exciting stuff on the asadero.....Sonora is beef country and there are some very good cuts of meat and pork here. Chicken, which we buy by the kilo at the Sunday Tiangus (yes! the tiangus is still here, just not in the arroya! half of it has been moved to the alameda and the remainder is on the outskirts of town) is excellent. Our favorite, are huge fresh jumbo shrimp which come straight to town from the sea. It is all good, in part, because Bill is an excellent cook......
You can see in the photo below that we still need to get the countertop on and put in the sink. The iron worker down the street finished the grill grates and we have been grilling non-stop.
There are two grill grates; if used at the same time they are probably wide enough to put on a small cow, I guess we will have a huge fiesta one day.
Here is a photo of the two grates, before Bill added the extra ladrillo height to the sides and back.
Depending upon what he is grilling, he either builds the fire right on the cement slab or on top of a ladrillo. The ladrillos beneath the concrete slab below are now gone and that space is used for wood storage.
Inside.........he is busy shoring up everything. The room below which will become a bathroom has a ceiling that is caving in. This is the room where the washing machine is and if you recall, from earlier photos, the room floods during a rain. Now Bill has cleverly put in a large PVC pipe that collects the rain and runs off the window sill and into the yard.
During the shoring up, he discovered that our whole casa is built upon a pile of rocks.....but no problems, at significant corners of each wall, he and Umberto have dug down and poured concrete to strengthen it all.
Concrete at the edges of the thick adobe walls.
More rebar for more strengthening.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dia de los Muertes
lots of heads......
paper mache' (old students from long ago) skeletons that will go into one of the altars.......
one of my jobs was to repair this guy, who looks like something out of the ET movie....... he's lying on his back after a new white paint job...............