I have to show you the photo below. It is typical of the lovely tree we had for over twenty years up in the northwest, over sixteen feet, skinny noble fir, cut up in the mountains, with over one thousand decorations bestowed upon its strong branches. This was, in fact, the last tree we had in the northwest.
These are very special ornaments and while our other thousands, most of which are handmade by family, lie in boxes, stored on shelves here in the casa, these are certainly spectacular on our little tree.
Senor and I have both commented that it is nice to have a little tree and none of the stress that goes with putting up the larger one.
All of the columns are wrapped in blue and white. The huge palms in the Plaza are wrapped with blue lights. A number of homes have outdoor blue lighting.
Last year I seem to recall that everything was red.
I stared at her................I am NOT delinquent on my water bill....................... i think the bills are blue now because the PAN political party colors are blue..............................no, you are delinquent....she said.
We walked on down and down the road and then after awhile we came to her house. Her water bill was folded up and pushed into the gate. You are delinquent............i said.
Later at the Mercado, I saw a few businesses who had received their water bills, all blue.
I also have noticed a few newly painted policia vehicles, white with blue lettering. The pantsuits worn by some of the women who work in the Palacio are blue with white ticking.
Even nature seems to wash things with that color, as the daytime sky is a brilliant robins egg blue and the new moon is ringed in a blazing blue.
It is a party issue.
Speaking of parties, there have been quite a few here lately! We can hear them as they last late into the night. There is also a circus in town. I feel the Navidad spirit. It is very festive.
Tonight will walk to the museum where we will watch the Christmas classic, 'Holiday Inn'.
Afterward, we will stroll around the Plaza, with teenagers and children, and mothers and fathers, while grandmothers and grandfathers sit on iron park benches, watching with wisened old eyes.
Eventually Senor will say it is cold and way past his bedtime, and we will say goodnight to the blue colored palm trees and walk back home, under the new blue moon.
adios................linda lou
Such pretty trees. I'm enjoying catching up with the last few weeks now that I am back online at home. Have a lovely Christmas. Jacqui
Loved this "BLUE" post! Your little tree is precious! Nada mas is needed but a sweet little tree & I'm sure the walk in the plaza was lovely! And Holiday Inn! I need to get my White Christmas video out & watch it! I'm happy you're feeling better!
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