We have been getting a lot of this stuff below. It blows in, it blows out, in again, out again. Rain came with it several days ago, but there are few clouds today and it is almost one hundred out there.
I stupidly rode new old bike to the mercado for some cilantro and when I finally got home, it was wilted, and so was I.
Teenagers are everywhere, and I think they are from out of town. They are a little less dressed than Alamos kids. Bare bellies, short shorts, tattoos, eyebrow rings, all things we do not see too much of here. Plus they stare at foreigners and wait for the foreigner to say hola first. Alamos kids do not stare, they smile and say hola first. There were a few large buses down on Juarez and my guess is they arrived on those. They are having a blast, running through the Plaza, laughing and squealing, good kids, just not Alamos kids. Besides Alamos kids are in school today.
So, there is another thing going up today for the celebration and it goes up on every roof top in the centro district.
The burning oil cans. You can see the wicks hanging out of the cans. In the photo below, above the canalis, you can see the little black cans. They are everywhere.
Hopefully, it will not be an unbearably hot day.
Our casa has been hot, with the exception of the mini splitted bedroom. Senor broke the fan in the kitchen tool room.
Now that is where we watch '24'.
And I have been complaining that I cannot hear what is being said and I want to buy some of those 'tv ears'. Senor said................but that isn't the problem, the problem is the fan is too loud................no, that isn't the problem, i said, the sound on this flat screen is terrible, our neighbors have tv ears, they like it, i want some of those......................no, look, let me turn the fan down and i think it will make a big difference.
And that is when he turned the knob and it fell and all of the other little pieces followed and broke apart on the floor.
So, now without a fan it is too hot to sit in there and find out if the sound is better or not...............
And without the fan, I am really having to do almost all of my cooking in the morning as early as possible. Later in the evening we either eat a cold meal or I can take the hot plate outside and reheat something.
And without the fan, I am really having to do almost all of my cooking in the morning as early as possible. Later in the evening we either eat a cold meal or I can take the hot plate outside and reheat something.
At the mercado the other day, there was a huge tub of chicken claws and another huge tub of gizzards. Chicken claws are cheap and they are considered a delicacy here. Everyone cooks chicken claws.
But for some people they might be a little unnerving to see.
But for some people they might be a little unnerving to see.
I grew up in the South. Body parts of chickens do not alarm me. I grew up eating gizzards and livers and lungs and necks and there was always a headless chicken running around my aunt's house when we visited. If you have walked by an Asian food stand in a big city, meat and poultry parts are a common sight.
Okay, okay, I am preparing you for my last photo. It is a very natural way to cook here. But just don't look if you don't want to.
It is a photo of my chicken gizzard soup.
It was excellente' comida!!!!
Siesta time and I should make it a long one, because I don't think anyone will be getting much sleep tonight! Adios! Linda Lou
ooohh, I love all the nasty bits, but I hae not tried the feet. I shall wait until I find a place that does them the best.
I was always turned off over the chicken feet in the dressed chickens until I learned they are used to make the broth more tasty and the poorer folks use them for broth making (they can't afford a chicken). When you are boiling a chicken throw those little trackers in the pot for a richer broth. If you notice they are fairly well cleaned so you don't need to skin the deep yellow off.
Sounds like lots of fun ahead! I was served soup with a chicken neck in it in Mexico and I thought that was weird but claws!!!! I can't imagine chewing on a claw....yet, one Christmas, the hostess for the big dinner told us she was only having bones for dinner. She chewed on bones all night.... that was weird too.....
I'll take your word that the chicken claws make for good soup. I would probably go for it if I didn't have one in my bowl. I like menudo but do not like the pig feet in my bowl either. However, I do like pickled pigs feet; HA go figure.
Happy independence Day! Can't wait to see some of your pictures!
Hola Everyone!
Chrissy, you will just have to come here for that good stuff!
Gin, hi! I see you have an Alamos blog as well, are you here in town now?
Susan, not sure how I would feel about a 'bone dinner", was that here in Mexico?
ED! finally I hear from you. You too will have to come over and try my soup next time you are in town. I will leave the claw out just for you.
And hola Glenn Ian, just got back from the parade and it was quite a long one and very structured and reserved! I did take lots of photos and now I am so tired (it was about 95 degrees out there) I have to siesta! big plaza party at 3pm. LL
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