Here is their vine.
I went for a walk this morning. On my way back as I passed our wall, I noticed the street sweeper picking the flowers off our vines and breaking the brown vines in half.
disculpe............ i asked.............excuse me and i said this very quietly and calmly............por que........... what I really meant was.......what in the 5247, well that should be more like *#^%, are you doing.......... he just looked at me and said (and i am translating here).....that is a lot of work to sweep all that up.................
I was very, very polite and I told him that was my house and my wall and my vine and that I am trying to grow it over the wall. I am sure he said something like........oh.
But he knows it is my house and it is my vine and now I know why it will not grow over the wall.
He grabbed his bags, his broom and metal sweep pan, tipped his hat and started walking down the street. I went after him and told him I will sweep the vine, just please do not pick it anymore.
Gee whiz.........
I really am the most easy going person that I know, but I want our vine to look like their vine. I certainly have to keep up street appearances.
People have actually mentioned to me that our street is one of the prettiest in Alamos. That is probably because of the gorgeous vine you see here and our neighbor's colorful bouganvillia across the street and the beautiful mountain views we have and the natural beginnings of the tropical forest on the Rancho Colorado across the street, on the property, next to our neighbor's colorful bouganvillia. I am only trying to add to the beauty.
I went out to water our vine around noon. I am determined to make it grow. A mama dove and her three babies were sitting on top of the wall, plucking the orange trumpets from the vine, shaking their heads and then throwing them out into the street. Pure entertainment.
Now I do not know what is worse, the dove or the street sweeper. They are in on this together, I am sure.
I can't stay and chat today. I really will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I have a lot to tell you! In the meantime, you know, que le vaya bien....and as always, I hope it is to a good place!
Maybe he owns the other wall and does not like the idea of competition? On the surface it seems dumb - but perhaps sinister is a better description?
Boy, does this sound like New Mexico. Hope your vine wins.
dastardly business...defend your vine!!!!!
LOLOL, love the comments, no, he is the street sweeper and he appreciates beauty, I am sure, but the less cleaning up after it, the better!
From now on, whenever I want to say "what the ----" I'm going to say "what the 5247" - it will become part of the family vernacular ;-)
You do live on a very pretty street. The mountain views are vividly memerable. As I remember, the other vines are older? The street sweeper may have just given up on them and decided your vines make an easier victory? He obviously has time to train his doves. ha!
Yennifer! Yes, what the 5247! you coming to Colorado in July??
hola Glenn Ian,
someone is working on the old place up in Las Palmas. Maybe it has sold!
And you are correct, those vines are older and well established and gorgeous! Yesterday the SS made a point of placing a huge bag full of swept up blossoms and leaves right by our drive. I think he is telling me that street sweeping is HIS job, not mine...............
O Linda Lou the pain of vine envy!
Seek Help!
I've recently acquired property in Alamos and will escape there to retire in a few years. I love your blog, photos and site. Nice jewelry as well. Ron Fisse
Hey, Ed, nice to hear from you. I have started fertilizing my vine......
and hola Ron, looking forward to meeting you. do you have vines on your property????
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