
Senor and Linda Lou have been in Pueblo Alamos, Sonora, Mexico for 13 years.
Every day brings a new discovery.
They are still working on the casa............Senor says, it won't be long.........but Linda Lou says, it won't be long until what..............stay tuned to find out what's next.

Monday, July 9, 2018

And the Winner is....

Buen dia!
We have had some good chipichipi days here in Alamos.
Those are days of little sprinkles with very little wind and no thunder or lightning.
So I did not count those as 'rain days'.
However, on July 3 we had a terrific storm with all the components:

There was a lot of electricity in the air
 and the person choosing the day and time that was closest to the beginning of the storm
 was P. Wells from Orange, Texas.
No one posted here through the blog with a day or time. 
Her choice was made online through Facebook.

Below is a photo of the wind chime she gets!!
It is a small umbrella with lots of rain drops!

Senor is working on the master bathroom today.
 The blue painters tape will be gone after the tiles are grouted.

Below you can see the copper sink and the pump Senor turned into the water faucet.

Working on the cupboards and drawers.
 A local woodworker is making them. 

Below Senor is staining the drawers for the bathroom.

This is my project.
 We made an aggregate patio and I have tiled parts of it.

Here's the tile below. 
It is all done, but I need to grout it and I am being lazy about this project.
It could be because it is so hot out and I just don't want to do it.
Maybe I will wait till fall.
 All the way back, right below the wall, is the little dipper pool. 
It is 6x4 feet, just big enough to put a raft in and float around a little.
It has seating inside so if you don't want to float and its super hot you can just sit down and cool off.
 It will be ready for next year's summer. 

So, that's the story of what's going on.
I know, I know, I don't write that often anymore and I don't even know if anyone still follows the blog.
People always ask........what in the heck do you do down there in Mexico?
Well, the answer is.....a lot.
I recently met someone visiting Alamos for the first time. 
She told, it's so boring here.
I just stared at her.
There is nothing boring in my day.
 I am positive I have never been bored here.
In fact, I just need about 4 more hours in the day.
A 28 hour day would be just ideal for me, I might get everything done in that amount of time.

Okie Dokie.
Que le vaya bien.
Linda Lou