
Senor and Linda Lou have been in Pueblo Alamos, Sonora, Mexico for 13 years.
Every day brings a new discovery.
They are still working on the casa............Senor says, it won't be long.........but Linda Lou says, it won't be long until what..............stay tuned to find out what's next.

Friday, December 12, 2008


the morning sunrise
The day before yesterday we came home from a nice walk and found the card below in our yard, near the gate. After getting the dictionary and translating the words I did not know, it looked like an invitation to the Feast of Our Lady Of Guadalupe, at KM 48, at the home of the Acuna family. The only thing at KM 48 is the casa of the mayor of Alamos.
I was not sure what to think, so I headed up to the Casa de la Cultura, where I knew I could probably find someone who would know more about it..................

I sat down with a Mexican friend, who actually was the person who delivered the invitation to my casa.

yes, she said............ it is an invitation to one of the largest nights of feasts and dancing and music and fireworks in alamos.

why did i get invited, i asked her......because of your work at DIF and because of your work with the Festival de Calaca...... the mayor wants to show her appreciation.

how important is it that i go, i asked her...muy, muy importante, she said, you will be there and your esposo, too, of course ............only ten americans have been invited......many, many Mexicans and indigenous Indians will be there.

do i take a

what do i wear........every piece of warm clothing you is all outside, the feast, the Mayo Indian dancing, mass is in the garden......... all outside.

what do i call the mayor (i have been introduced to her before with her first name) her first name, of course.

how long do i stay....well, it lasts until 8am the following friend and i will leave around 1am.

can i bring my camera...........of course.

So, that is where we are off to for the night or at least part of it.

Good Grief! we go to bed at 7:30.

We will miss the wonderful TGIF that the foreign community will host tonight so people can come together and meet the newcomers to Alamos and renew friendships with other residents they may not have seen since last year. We will plan to attend the next one.

I am very excited to go to this celebration and feel very, very fortunate to have been invited. I will try and return with some wonderful photos to share.

But, first, I have to go through the winter clothing bag. It's a really small plastic bag.....I know I have a hat and gloves and hopefully, a jacket of some sort........Bill has a couple of pairs of wool socks............we did not know the temperature would get down to 40 degrees here, and lower, like it did last night.
But, I feel like we are about to experience something that may be a once in a lifetime opportunity.........i just hope i can stay awake......

1 comment:

Steve Cotton said...

I hope you have a great time.