
Senor and Linda Lou have been in Pueblo Alamos, Sonora, Mexico for 13 years.
Every day brings a new discovery.
They are still working on the casa............Senor says, it won't be long.........but Linda Lou says, it won't be long until what..............stay tuned to find out what's next.

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Bookie


How's everyone?

Have you bought your turkey?

We bought one and even though we will be at the hospital in Navojoa that day hopefully getting this cast removed we are going to come back home and put that turkey on the spit over the asador.

If they don't remove this cast I really don't know what I will do.

I know I'll go mad.

Although I cannot go

much madder than I am over this online bookie called Good2go2Mexico.

When I tell people about the blog I often say ......just google Good2go2Mexico and it will pop right up.

And someone did just that and contacted me and asked me if I was now taking bets online.

So, naturally, I googled us.

There's a bookie there, by the name of Good2go2Mexico.

 I mean I guess he is taking bets, but it could be debatable what he's doing.

Or maybe it's a woman and I wouldn't know what she is doing either.

Scrolling down, I can see who likes to place bets and their profile photos, women with their bosoms hanging half out of their blouses, women with their underwear pulled way down.


That is some other person who only thinks they are Good2go2Mexico

and maybe got halfway there on a bus and ran out of money

I really am not one to talk about people behind their backs when they are not around to defend themselves, but what's wrong with Been2Mexico2TimesBefore or Good2SeeMexico2Day or how about Good2SeeMexico2Morrow.

I can think of all kinds of good2 phrases that would not copycat us.

Okay, I am through venting.

 I had to vent to someone and Senor does not have on his listening ears right now.

If you lose track of us and have to google Good2go2Mexico and see THE BOOKIE, which is how the person shall be referred to from now on, just know that we have nothing to do with it.

I'll leave you with a few beautiful September summer photos of Alamos.

Que le vaya bien!

Linda Lou

this is what I was doing with my friend and horse guide, Leon, a few days before I fractured my wrist.

That's Leon, above, and me, in the photo below. 


Kirk said...

I'm glad to see you posting more, pics of another part of Mexico are always appreciated.
Venting is good sometimes don't keep it in side.

Linda Lou and Senor, Too said...

Bajajajaja, yeah, I just couldn't hold that one in.....